Innervation of L5
Project Type: Medical Legal / Anatomical Illustrations
Media: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Final Presentation Format: PowerPoint slide, courtroom graphic
Purpose: This series of illustrations was created to explain the muscular innervation of the L5 spinal nerve to a lay audience. To give the muscles, nerves, and dermatomes context, each grouping was illustrated with relevant surrounding tissue. All areas innervated by L5 are highlighted with a saturated red color. These illustrations were originally geared toward a medical legal case so the red color was used in order to associate those areas with pain following an L5 injury.
L5 Nerve Distribution - This plate which also intends to orient a viewer to the anatomy relevant to the injury, aims to visually explain where the extent of the L5 nerve and how far it reaches bilaterally down both legs. This plate also shows how L5 is distributed into different areas of the leg and the various nerve bundles it participates in on the way down.
L5 Muscle Innervation - This plate aims to visually explain what muscles the L5 nerve innervates. This graphic intends to show how broadly the effects of L5 injury would be felt and how many muscle groups would be injured. This piece intends to draw sympathy for the hidden extent of what might seem like a small injury.
L5 Dermatome - This plate aims to visually explain what areas of skin the L5 nerve innervates. This graphic intends to show how broadly the effects of L5 injury would be felt and how much of the plaintiff would feel the ramifications of L5 injury. This piece intends to draw further sympathy for the hidden extent of what might seem like a small injury.